by Autumn Ryan, Founder and CEO of The SoRite Corporation
You’ve probably heard the phrases “you are what you think,” and “it’s all in your mind.” I do believe that success starts in the mind, and I encourage you to clear your mind for success.
A while back, I spoke with a group of fabulous women who gathered (virtually) in Sacramento, CA. They tuned in on a Saturday to learn how to break free of some of the issues that continue to bind women. In my keynote, I spoke about Survival vs. Success and how it starts in your mind.
An Inspiration To Clear Your Mind
I led with the story of Roger Bannister, the first runner to break the 4-minute mile. Do you know the story?
For decades runners were told that no one could break the 4-minute mile…that humans couldn’t achieve this feat. But instead of listening to why it couldn’t be done, Bannister started running it in his mind. Over and over, he ran the mile in less than 4-minutes. He was told that in order to reach his goal, the weather would have to be a perfect 68 with no wind and a dry track. And on May 6, 1954 on a cold, rainy day in Oxford, England, Bannister ran the mile in 3 minutes, 58 seconds.
Every time I recall this story I am inspired, enthused…I literally want to shout out to the world what I keep playing over and over in my mind: The Cleaning Industry Will Change. One day the cleaning industry will be toxic-free. One day the cleaning industry will use practices and protocols that do no harm, and instead reduce infections and prevent superbugs.
Little Change
I’ve been in the cleaning industry for 20+ years. And little has changed. I still see janitors in schools using cotton loop mops. Dipping the same dirty mop in the same dirty water, spreading the filth and germs around.
Yes, microfiber mops are being used more prevalently now in health care. But the same bad practices apply. The mop head is rarely changed throughout the day. So what’s mopped up from under one hospital bed goes right to the one next door.
My 3:58 Minute Dream
Just like Roger Bannister who ran a 3:58 minute mile in his mind, in my mind, I can visualize how the change in cleaning and infection prevention happens.
First, we replace bleach with a solution that is as safe as water and yet effective on the worst germs. Then we train those in leadership to train their cleaning crews to use the product correctly. Instead of spreading germs from one surface to the next, we train them with the folded microfiber towel method so that surfaces aren’t continuously being re-infected. The towel is folded in fourths to make eight cleaning surfaces per cloth.
We train them to use microfiber mop heads or pads correctly…moving from the back of the room to the front. Spraying cleaner onto the mop head instead of dipping it in solution. Changing mop heads often. And never using the same microfiber cloth or pad in the kitchen that you use in the bathroom.
We also teach crews to use wipes correct. Read the directions. Know how long to keep the surface wet in order to achieve disinfection. Make sure they understand that may mean using several wipes.
And to make cleaning more affordable, I visualize products that kill germs faster so that dwell times can be reduced.
Can it happen?
Sixty-six years ago Roger Bannister proved that the mind is a tower of strength and can be used to implement change.
What do you want to do? Clear your mind and you can do whatever you envision.
For more information on Autumn Ryan as a speaker to your group visit