Difference In Products That Disinfect

What’s the Difference Between Products That Disinfect, Sanitize And Clean Surfaces?

by Blake M. Bernard, COO, The SoRite Company   We’ve touched on this subject before in DisinfecTips, but I’d like to take a deeper dive into the difference between products that disinfect, sanitize and clean. I’ll also take a broad-brush explanation on the subject of sterilizing. General Cleaning General cleaning can be accomplished with a…

read the fine print

Read The Fine Print

From Andrea Velasquez, Customer Relations Manager, The SoRite Corporation Andrea is Customer Relations Manager with SoRite. Among other duties, Andrea handles inquiries from SoRite customers across the country and assists our network of Certified SanitizeIT® Operators. For many years, Andrea was Vice President of Business Development for a major design and construction company in Chicago.…